Curl Care Series Part 2: What are those ingredients and what do they do?

As mentioned in Part 1, my main issue was with how things were presented. For instance, being told to completely avoid sulfates and alcohols. Well, it just isn’t that simple; especially if you’re just starting out and learning the difference between all the kinds of sulfates and alcohols and everything else. It’s incredibly important toContinue reading “Curl Care Series Part 2: What are those ingredients and what do they do?”

Curl Care Series Part 1: The basics of curly hair and The Curly Girl Method

It’s not a secret that sometimes curly hair can be a bit overwhelming to have and to care for. There’s no end of suggestions for curls ranging from extremely detailed instruction lists to “let’s just wing it and see what happens” and everything in between. I feel the need to preemptively reiterate here that thisContinue reading “Curl Care Series Part 1: The basics of curly hair and The Curly Girl Method”

Sanikind Sanitizer Dispenser Review

Covid threw us all for a loop last year, what with coming out of cold and flu season straight into a quarantine and not knowing who was carrying what illnesses, or even (for a while) what illnesses were all over what surfaces. People panic bought toilet paper and cleaning supplies in record numbers and supplyContinue reading “Sanikind Sanitizer Dispenser Review”

Meet some of the services

Eyebrow tinting Eyebrow tinting is a simple service that makes a big visual impact without making a big change. It’s an ideal companion to any color service, and also a great way to multitask while getting a hair mask. I-Tip highlights/peekaboos If you’re someone who wants to add a small pop of color without committingContinue reading “Meet some of the services”

Fashion Line Comparison: Eleven Australia, Pravana, Pulp Riot

I also wanted to try out a head to head comparison of Eleven Australia’s fashion line. The swatches in the book indicate a super vibrant result in red, orange, and violet. I don’t know if I mixed mine wrong or my starting swatches weren’t the same shade (I did use level 10 swatches, but thereContinue reading “Fashion Line Comparison: Eleven Australia, Pravana, Pulp Riot”

Lilla Rose hair accessories

I’ve been sitting on how I wanted to make this introduction for a while. A few years ago I bought some of these hair clips on a whim from someone at a flea market, and I still have every one and they show no real signs of wear or tear. I always get compliments whenContinue reading “Lilla Rose hair accessories”

Split End Correcting

Keeping the ends of your hair happy and healthy is the absolute number one best way to be able to add length. As previously covered in one of my Hair myths series, regular trims are necessary to prevent damage from spreading up the hair strand. Combining your small trims with something to seal nutrients andContinue reading “Split End Correcting”

Vaccination pin sets now available for order!

Show your commitment to protecting the health and safety of yourself and others by sporting these fun pins proudly exclaiming your vaccination status! Square set of 5 goes for $10, and the round set of 5 goes for $5!

Reds in real life

I was due for a color change anyway and this provided me a great opportunity to also test out some colors. These colors were all applied at the same time on February 15. I shampooed my hair and dried it without using conditioner. I applied the Vivids in a triangle shape on the top panelContinue reading “Reds in real life”