It’s Lunar New Year!

Lunar New Year follows a lunisolar calendar. A lunar year lasts approximately 354 days, as opposed to a solar year which is the 365 days most of us are used to seeing. Lunar New Year as a holiday celebrates the first new moon in the lunar calendar. While it isn’t as commonly celebrated in westernContinue reading “It’s Lunar New Year!”

Zincuta Ointment Review

Pros: Great for dry skin, wonderful smell, soothes irritated skin Cons: Contains animal products, may not be cost effective for full body use Anyone who knows me already knows I complain a lot about my dry skin. I’ve been fortunate enough to not have major skin issues, but with Covid precautions and wearing a maskContinue reading “Zincuta Ointment Review”

Black History Month

This country was built, quite literally, by Black people. There’s a lot of horrific history that’s been whitewashed to make the people doing the oppressing feel better about themselves. As a white person I know that it is not my place to speak for any POC, but instead to amplify their voices and fight forContinue reading “Black History Month”

Myths about scalp health

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about scalp health”

Myths about coloring hair

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about coloring hair”

Myths about hair texture

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about hair texture”

Myths about hair health and gray hair

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about hair health and gray hair”

Myths about shaving and hair loss

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about shaving and hair loss”

Myths about hair maintenance

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about hair maintenance”

Why does your hair shed?

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Why does your hair shed?”