Comparing color lines: Eleven, Pravana, and Redken Shades EQ

There are going to be two parts to this one, plus a follow up at some point. This one may not be as of much interest to the general public as the article on the reds will be, but it was important to me to share all of the results that I got. If youContinue reading “Comparing color lines: Eleven, Pravana, and Redken Shades EQ”

The basics of hair color and how it works

There’s some really detailed posts coming on color, and I thought it would be helpful to break down some of the differences ahead of time so you have an easy reference to come back to if you have questions as you’re reading along with those. If you need some extra background, the basics of hairContinue reading “The basics of hair color and how it works”

Let’s talk I-tip extensions

There are a lot of different kinds of hair extensions out there, and they all have their pros and cons. After my research I had decided on I-tip extensions as my first certification for a few reasons I’ll dive into shortly, but the quick version is that they were the best bang for the buckContinue reading “Let’s talk I-tip extensions”

Myths about scalp health

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about scalp health”

Myths about coloring hair

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about coloring hair”

Myths about hair texture

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about hair texture”

Myths about hair health and gray hair

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about hair health and gray hair”

Myths about shaving and hair loss

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about shaving and hair loss”

Myths about hair maintenance

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Myths about hair maintenance”

Why does your hair shed?

If you haven’t already brushed up on the basics of hair I highly recommend checking it out, or referencing it if you’ve got questions as you read along. Don’t miss out on the rest of the hair myths series. I’ve addressed a lot of hair myths in my years behind the chair and starting myContinue reading “Why does your hair shed?”